Mar 7, 2007

The season of hay fever>.<

■Let me review...

teary eyes/watery eyes:涙目
itchy eyes/nose:かゆい目/鼻
runny nose:鼻水
stuffy nose:鼻づまり
mask/face mask:マスク

・I sneeze a lot.(よくくしゃみが出る)
・I can't stop sneezing.(くしゃみが止まらない)
・My eyes are so itchy.(目がかゆい)
・I have a runny nose.(鼻水が出る)
・I have a stuffy nose.(鼻づまりだ)
・When I go outside, I wear a mask.(外に出るときはマスクをしている)
・I take hay fever medicine.(花粉症の薬を飲んでいる)
・During hay fever season, it's better to hang the laundry inside.(花粉症の時期は、洗濯物は室内で干したほうがよい)
・I always brush off the pollen when I go in the house.(家に入る前に花粉を払い落とすようにしている)

I'm gonna・・・

I'm gonna go travelling in Paris via Shanghai in the comming July with a friend.
We've already applied for a tour but it isn't hundread percent.

I'll write more detail when the day gets near. ^-^v