They are Sho-totoro and Chu-totoro in the Japanese animation film,
'Tonari no Totoro'
The smaller and white one is Sho.
The other, bigger and sky blue is Chu.
Especially I like Chu.
They looks like owls, but imaginary animals.
The picture on the apper right,
there were sown some seeds on the growund and Totoros are playing to gorw up trees quickly.
NOTE: Sho means small, and Chu means middle in JAPANESE.
Ummm, kind of pretty colour, eh?
I guess you wrote this comment very quickly.
My question is what are they doing? I have never seen "Tonari no Totoro". (^^;) Your Korean friend might know about it better. Fuhaha...
You mean, my sentences are hard understand ?
I knew it. My sentences are little messy. Huuu nae~~
Their action are helping acorn's trees to grow up.
It's a kind of TOTORO's willpower.
After they did this action,
Acorn's trees have grown up dramatically.
If you don't understand yet, let me know^-^;;;
Why do the acorn trees need their help? Any special reasons? (^_^?)
BTW, how come we have to input some letters for making a comment?
As you know, acorn trees can grow up without their help, but
Totoro made huge trees of them during one night.
Tonari no totoro is a fairy tale.
The main two heroins, Satsuki and May experienced the curious world with Totoros.
BTW, I don't know exactly why we need to imput some letters before making comments.
I did the similar things when I entried hotmail and mixi.
Is that for security? I'm not sure.
You mean "Both of them" are called Totoro?! I thought Totoro is the bigger one's name, not the smaller one's. (^^;) Heeeee
Actualle There are three types of Totoros, the biggest is Oo(Dai?), the middle is Chu and the smallest is sho totoro. Do you get it?
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