Mar 7, 2007

I'm gonna・・・

I'm gonna go travelling in Paris via Shanghai in the comming July with a friend.
We've already applied for a tour but it isn't hundread percent.

I'll write more detail when the day gets near. ^-^v


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!
I'm very envious of you.
I'd like to go to Paris, too.
I'm so sad the situation that I can't.
I expect to hear more happy plan about traveling to Paris.

Azusa said...

Coz I'm a free & lonely woman, it's easier to go wherever I want than you.
But you know, you have a thing which many people are looking for but they haven't founded yet.
It's happiness.

I'm telling you the detail of the travel plan later ^-^.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! You're right.
Your saying makes me happy again.
I also think it is difficut and important to have a thing which many people are looking for but they haven't founded yet.
I always advised to my friends "You meet your soulmate someday." and "That is the problem that you can choose in life"
Sometimes I am comfortable and thankful that I chose it earlier.