Jul 28, 2007
Jul 22, 2007

ビール腹になる:develop a beer belly / get a beer belly
ビール腹を引っ込める:suck in one's beer belly
缶ビール:a can of beer瓶ビール:a bottle of beer
発泡酒:low-malt beerおつまみ:snacks/nibbles
ビアガーデン:beer garden
休肝日:take a day to give one’s liver a rest
By the way, this picture is the plane & coffe pudings whchi I made at the cooking school.
Especially plain puddings were tasty.

There are lots of spoilers in this section.この章にはネタばれがあります。
Don't go to that site, it's full of spoilers!ネタばれがたくさんあるので、このサイトには行ってはいけません!
She always tells me the plot and I hate spoilers!ネタばれは嫌いなのに、彼女はいつも筋を明かしてしまう。
Shhh... I don't want to hear any spoilers.しー…ネタばれは聞きたくないんです。
Don't reveal the ending.結末はばらさないでね。
*about the picture*
I bought a chocolate bar at Ed ;the supermarket in Paris
but it was really big, so I took a picture.
Can you see how big it is?
Jul 7, 2007
the Star festival
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