There are lots of spoilers in this section.この章にはネタばれがあります。
Don't go to that site, it's full of spoilers!ネタばれがたくさんあるので、このサイトには行ってはいけません!
She always tells me the plot and I hate spoilers!ネタばれは嫌いなのに、彼女はいつも筋を明かしてしまう。
Shhh... I don't want to hear any spoilers.しー…ネタばれは聞きたくないんです。
Don't reveal the ending.結末はばらさないでね。
*about the picture*
I bought a chocolate bar at Ed ;the supermarket in Paris
but it was really big, so I took a picture.
Can you see how big it is?
That is usual in korea.
In korea there are a lot of that sizes of chocolates.
How was the taste?
Now I'm eager to eat it.
I am glad to hear your coming back safely. How about your trip?
Are there any problems going around Paris such as language, eating....
I wonder everything you have experienced.
I guess this picture can't express how the chocorate is big.
It looks smaller than the real size. It's pity...
Paris is really fantastic city and even I want to go there again.
Some people say that French isn't kind and then don't speak English even if they can,
but I didn't feel that kind of thinks while I was in France.
I feel that as long as we greet the people by saying 'bonjour''bonjurne''merci' and so on, they smile and become very friendly, but if ew don't say anything to them, they also don't be kind to us.
Just my impression though,,,
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