Aug 22, 2007


夏日(summer day):
日中の最高気温が25~29度真夏日(hot day) :
日中の最高気温が30~34度猛暑日(extremely hot day)     :
日中の最高気温が35度~熱帯夜(sultry night / sweltering night):

自律神経:unconscious nervous system
自律神経失調症:autonomic ataxia / autonomic nerve imbalance
食欲がない:I've got no appetite
寝不足:lack of sleep
眠りが浅い:have a bad night
だるい:feel dull / feel weak / restless
冷房病:cooling disorder


Anonymous said...

Long time no see, Azusa!!
Where are you going? You are also absent in your blog these days.
Have you been doing well?
You have many machines that makes your life lively and fruitful.
How about your new digital camera and i-pod? New one is very happy and pleasnt for us to use, isn't it?
These day I am also very happy to meet new friends in English institute. They are very kind and sweet of me even though they are younger than me. Yesterday I rode a bike and had a picnic with them.
I felt going back to my childhood and fun.

Don't stop writing your story!!
I will visit here sometimes.
I miss you and your life.
See you!!

Azusa said...

Hi Cynthia, sorry for missing you for a long time...

Actually I was very busy for work, but at the same time, I can't deny that I was razy to update this blog.

I'm happy to hear that you could make new friends at the instityte.

I also start to go to the English conversation school and I enjoy attending it.
Picnic sounds very fun. I envy you!

As for i-pod, do you have one, too?
It's very useful and when we install music, it's cheaper than CD's price.^-^