Nov 27, 2007

Illumination for KIDS

My home town turned to be a city a couple of years ago and
soon after the address changed from Cho to Shi(City),
many apartments and homes have been built.
The picture's house is one of those and
they decorates outside of the house with illumination.
They are excited about Christmas.^^


Anonymous said...

"Ho ho ho"
you know this, right?

Another lights from my apartment:
I fogot to turn off the light this morning, so I found my room bright when I got home. (>_<) Iyaaaaan

Azusa said...

I REMEMBER the film...
Oh, I should show you the video.
You asked me that long time ago..^-^;;

It's waste of money and energy if you leave without turning off the lights...
Oh dear---

Let's pay attention each other!

Anonymous said...

It's Okay as I'm scary to see the video. Ho ho ho(*_*;

...too late to warn me!
I turned "on" the ventilator switch of the bath room when I "left" home this morning. (T_T) Oh, god!

Anonymous said...

oh, let me correct my English.

...I am scared to see the video. (^^;A

Azusa said...
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Azusa said...

Don't worry, even if we make lots of mistakes, the most imprtant thing is using English and correcting mistakes.
It would be our help to blush up English! ^-^/