・ お手:Paw. (ポォ)/ Give me your paw. / Shake.
お座り :Sit! お手 :Paw! / Give me your paw!
お代わり:The other paw. / Give me the other one.(別の手を出させる)
伏せ:Down! 待て:Stay! / Wait! おいで:Come! 立て:Stand up! つけ:Heel! (人間の脇に付くこと)
よしよし/お利口さん: Good dog! / Good boy / girl! / That's my boy
ダメ:No! やめなさい:Don't do that!
ちんちん :Stand up! おねだり :Say please! / Beg! 飛べ:Jump!
ロールオーバー:Roll over! (ごろごろ転がってお腹を見せる) ワンワン :Speak! (ワンと吠えさせる)
チュ:Give me a kiss! おまわり :Turn (around)! (回らせる) 持って来い:Fetch! 死んだふり:Play dead! キャッチ :Catch!
出せ :Out! (口の中にくわえている物を出させる) 離せ:Drop it.(くわえている物を床に置かせる)
触るな :Leave it. 吠えるな:No barking! / Enough!
なめるな:No licking!(ペロペロなめるのを止めさせる) 散歩だよ!:Walk!
さあ、行こう!:Let's go! お外:Go outside! (屋外へ出す)
おうち :Go inside!(屋内へ入れる) ハウス :House! (自分の小屋/場所に行かせる)
番犬 :a watchdog(監視者、見張り、という意味も) 牧羊犬:a sheepdog 猟犬 :hound
のら犬:stray dog / cur 子犬 :puppy
*「top dog」は重要人物・お偉いさんのこと(別に皮肉ではない)
doggy bag / doggie bag :持ち帰り用の袋(食べ残したものを犬にやるから)
dog ear: 本や雑誌のページを折って目印にしたもの/または折れ込んだままの製本
the hair of the dog:迎え酒(毒を制する毒) dog-eat-dog:私利私欲を追求する/モラルのない競争
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.:厳しい世界だ。
We eat our own dog food.:自社サービス /製品を自社でも使っているときに言う
dogged determination:不屈の決意
Dec 24, 2007
Dec 23, 2007
My first attendance to English cochin
I attended English cochin with nickey yesterday.
It is a English conversation club in Nagoya.
We discussed around one and a half hour in English
and it was great exercise for Speaking English.
I could say that it's more practical than English lessons which I take at the English school now.
After the discussion, we held year-end party at a bar(Izakaya)
and we spend happy time together.
(at that time, we spoke in Japanese.)
I appreciate the members who were kind to us.
Thank you very much.
It is a English conversation club in Nagoya.
We discussed around one and a half hour in English
and it was great exercise for Speaking English.
I could say that it's more practical than English lessons which I take at the English school now.
After the discussion, we held year-end party at a bar(Izakaya)
and we spend happy time together.
(at that time, we spoke in Japanese.)
I appreciate the members who were kind to us.
Thank you very much.
Dec 15, 2007
Dec 8, 2007
A Christmas wreath
The shape is like a wreath for Christmas and it's really cute, isn't it?
My friend and I've gone to same cooking school for about two years but recently she graduated on ahead and it's last work she cooked at school.
Now I have no friend to go that school together, so
I feel little lonely,
but I like cooking and I continue to attend lessons.
Dec 6, 2007
Financial circles
Today I went to a bank to ask about investment trust and time deposit.
Of course I don't have big money, you know, just I was interested in.
I'm so exhausted because I tried to understand everything a cl ark said
but more than half information was new for me.
That's why no sooner had I gotten home than I fell asleep.
Anyway, it was good lesson for me to know about financial circles.
Of course I don't have big money, you know, just I was interested in.
I'm so exhausted because I tried to understand everything a cl ark said
but more than half information was new for me.
That's why no sooner had I gotten home than I fell asleep.
Anyway, it was good lesson for me to know about financial circles.
Dec 3, 2007
At the first floor of our building.
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