Dec 24, 2007

'Ote' in English

・ お手:Paw. (ポォ)/ Give me your paw. / Shake. 


お座り :Sit!  お手  :Paw! / Give me your paw! 
お代わり:The other paw. / Give me the other one.(別の手を出させる) 
伏せ:Down!  待て:Stay! / Wait!  おいで:Come!  立て:Stand up!  つけ:Heel! (人間の脇に付くこと)

よしよし/お利口さん: Good dog! / Good boy / girl! / That's my boy

ダメ:No!  やめなさい:Don't do that!

ちんちん :Stand up!  おねだり :Say please! / Beg! 飛べ:Jump! 
ロールオーバー:Roll over! (ごろごろ転がってお腹を見せる)  ワンワン :Speak! (ワンと吠えさせる)   

チュ:Give me a kiss!    おまわり :Turn (around)! (回らせる)  持って来い:Fetch!  死んだふり:Play dead!  キャッチ :Catch! 

出せ  :Out! (口の中にくわえている物を出させる)  離せ:Drop it.(くわえている物を床に置かせる) 
触るな :Leave it.  吠えるな:No barking! / Enough! 
なめるな:No licking!(ペロペロなめるのを止めさせる) 散歩だよ!:Walk! 
さあ、行こう!:Let's go!  お外:Go outside! (屋外へ出す) 
おうち :Go inside!(屋内へ入れる)  ハウス :House! (自分の小屋/場所に行かせる)

番犬 :a watchdog(監視者、見張り、という意味も)  牧羊犬:a sheepdog   猟犬 :hound 

のら犬:stray dog / cur 子犬 :puppy 
*「top dog」は重要人物・お偉いさんのこと(別に皮肉ではない)

doggy bag / doggie bag :持ち帰り用の袋(食べ残したものを犬にやるから) 
dog ear: 本や雑誌のページを折って目印にしたもの/または折れ込んだままの製本 
the hair of the dog:迎え酒(毒を制する毒)     dog-eat-dog:私利私欲を追求する/モラルのない競争 
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.:厳しい世界だ。 
We eat our own dog food.:自社サービス /製品を自社でも使っているときに言う
dogged determination:不屈の決意


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Azusa!!
How have you been these day?
You must be busy. You have a lot of things to do such as cooking, studying and working.
You are still deligent and I have to example your attitude.

I'm also taking a conversaton class. After class I have more time to talk with my classmate.
This month I met new classmates with two guys. One is a high school teacher majored in computer and the other is a high school student who will graduate soon.
They are optimistic pepole to make me cheered.

Happy New Year!! Good luck for every thing!!
See you!!

Azusa said...
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Azusa said...

Happy New year!
You must be Cynithia, right?

I'm less deligent these days and one of the reasons is my age,
though I don't wanna say that.

In the new year's holiday,
I took a long time at home and took naps a lot^-^;;

But thanks to long sleep,
I'm charged and enegetic now.

You seems to make effort to practice English.
Good luck!

I wish you& your family's happines in 2008!!