Jan 13, 2008


縁起が悪い:of bad omen / inauspicious / ominous / sinister symptoms
縁起でもない!:Don't jinx me!


Luke is hoping that the White Sox break their jinx this year and win the series.

縁起の良い日:auspicious day / fortunate day / propitious day
縁起の悪い日:black-letter day / unlucky day

縁起物:lucky charm / good luck charm / talisman
縁起をかつぐ:superstitious / do something for good luck

おみくじ:written oracle / paper fortune
破魔矢:lucky charm arrow
お守り:talisman / lucky charm
招き猫:beckoning cat / welcoming cat
だるま:Dharma doll
七福神:seven gods of good fortune
茶柱が立つ:tea stalk is floating straight up

I bought a talisman for the safety of my family.

In Japan, we believe that a cat with its right foot up brings money, and the one with the left foot up brings customers.

When you see a tea stalk floating straight up in your cup, that's a sign of good luck.
four leaf clover / horseshoe:蹄鉄 /rabbit foot / ladybird:てんとう虫
penny:ペニー硬貨 / shooting star /wishbone:鳥の胸のY字型の骨

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