I'm showing Oototoro for nickey.
He wears the gray & white coat.
Now I feel like seeing the movie againg because we talked about the movie a lot, but it's better idear to see in English!
It's a popular film not only in Japan also many countries.
They are Sho-totoro and Chu-totoro in the Japanese animation film,
'Tonari no Totoro'
The smaller and white one is Sho.
The other, bigger and sky blue is Chu.
Especially I like Chu.
They looks like owls, but imaginary animals.
The picture on the apper right,
there were sown some seeds on the growund and Totoros are playing to gorw up trees quickly.
NOTE: Sho means small, and Chu means middle in JAPANESE.
Sakuraduka Yakkun is a popular comedian who acts alone( We say pin-geinin) in Japan.
And then, yesterday he came to our city, so I went to see him.
Whenever he holds 'Skeban union meeting', He wears a sailor suit and have a babmoo sword.
His curled hair is really long and beautiful.
though it's clear that he is a guy, he is more beautiful than ordinally women.
Oh dear...