Sakuraduka Yakkun is a popular comedian who acts alone( We say pin-geinin) in Japan.
And then, yesterday he came to our city, so I went to see him.
Whenever he holds 'Skeban union meeting', He wears a sailor suit and have a babmoo sword.
His curled hair is really long and beautiful.
though it's clear that he is a guy, he is more beautiful than ordinally women.
Oh dear...
I thought he wears a wig. Do you know the truth?
But I agree with your comment about his appearance. He knows how to make up better than me I guess.
Of course he wears a wig. It's too beautiful and long to be real hair.
I should ask him how to become beautiful. huuuuu.
Have you ever visited his blog page/site?
I wanted to read about performance in Nagoya, but I couldn't open it.
Because of my PC problem I guess. You should check it out! (^_^*) You might find the secret of his beauty.
Hi, Azusa.
I'm Cynthia. I visit your blog again. How have you been?
Your blog is very much alive because of your friend, nickey. Right?
I'm very envious you have a friend to contact in English.
Happy new year and take care of your health in cold winter.
I'll step on here again.
Hi my friend! Thank you for coming.
Have you got a cold? if so, I hope you'll get better soon.
By the way, nickey is a deligent friend and she came back to Japan a few months ago.
She is Japanese but we are communicateing in English like this for our English study.
Join us, Cynthia!
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