Jan 5, 2007


Azusa said...

On the New year's eve, I went to a Starbacks coffee in Kakuozan, along Higasiyama-line of the subway.

Anonymous said...

I went to a starbucks near Sakae station on January 3rd. My original plan was to have breakfast special at another cafe, but it wasn't ready yet.

Anyway, I ate pancakes & tea. (^_^*) I enjoyed both breakfast & the atomospher. That starbucks was attached to a hoel that is because the atomospher was nicer I guess.

Azusa said...

I like its atomospher, too.
Especially I like to have a coffe and read a book sitting on a sofa.

By the way, I found a misterious word in your comment. What is the meaning of hoel?

Anonymous said...

Uh, hole I guess. (^_^;)

I wanted to say "Hana no Ana!" According to online dictionary, I had to use "nasal cavity" or "nostrils" instead of 2 holes!!! Buhahaha... sorry about that.

Azusa said...

I see..."nasal cavity" and "nostrils" are the medical terms, right?
Thanks for beneficial information!