Nov 22, 2007

TOEIC EXAM on Jan 13th,2008

I applied for TOEIC Exam on Jan 13th, 2008 at English school today.

I think TOEIC score doesn't show people's total ability of English properly,
but at least, it's true that higher score is better to do many things in this country.
For example, it makes easier to enter the class of higher revel at English school.

I hope I'll be able to get higher score than last time.


Anonymous said...

I had to translate a minutes of meeting which I didn't attend from Japanese into English for my colleague today.

I tried, but couln't explain well. (>_<) Ahhhhhh, I really feel sorry for my colleague. Need more English skills

Try harder, Nickey!

Azusa said...

You're like a real translater in the company.
your job sounds cool, but you take full responsibility for the minutes.

Do you have any plan to take some exam of English?

If so, let me know^^.

Try harder, nicky☆

Anonymous said...

Not a real translator at all.
I'll try anyway.

I must! I will probably take a TOEIC exam in Feb. or Mar. (@_@;)


Azusa said...

All right!

At first, I need to accustomed to distribute the limited time properly per sections.

I migntn't preper for it sufficiently, I might end up only check whether I could brush up my English after I started to go to English school or not...

It's too early to say such a weak thing though.

Anyway, let me know your impression on new TOEIC exam next time^-^//