Dec 24, 2007
'Ote' in English
お座り :Sit! お手 :Paw! / Give me your paw!
お代わり:The other paw. / Give me the other one.(別の手を出させる)
伏せ:Down! 待て:Stay! / Wait! おいで:Come! 立て:Stand up! つけ:Heel! (人間の脇に付くこと)
よしよし/お利口さん: Good dog! / Good boy / girl! / That's my boy
ダメ:No! やめなさい:Don't do that!
ちんちん :Stand up! おねだり :Say please! / Beg! 飛べ:Jump!
ロールオーバー:Roll over! (ごろごろ転がってお腹を見せる) ワンワン :Speak! (ワンと吠えさせる)
チュ:Give me a kiss! おまわり :Turn (around)! (回らせる) 持って来い:Fetch! 死んだふり:Play dead! キャッチ :Catch!
出せ :Out! (口の中にくわえている物を出させる) 離せ:Drop it.(くわえている物を床に置かせる)
触るな :Leave it. 吠えるな:No barking! / Enough!
なめるな:No licking!(ペロペロなめるのを止めさせる) 散歩だよ!:Walk!
さあ、行こう!:Let's go! お外:Go outside! (屋外へ出す)
おうち :Go inside!(屋内へ入れる) ハウス :House! (自分の小屋/場所に行かせる)
番犬 :a watchdog(監視者、見張り、という意味も) 牧羊犬:a sheepdog 猟犬 :hound
のら犬:stray dog / cur 子犬 :puppy
*「top dog」は重要人物・お偉いさんのこと(別に皮肉ではない)
doggy bag / doggie bag :持ち帰り用の袋(食べ残したものを犬にやるから)
dog ear: 本や雑誌のページを折って目印にしたもの/または折れ込んだままの製本
the hair of the dog:迎え酒(毒を制する毒) dog-eat-dog:私利私欲を追求する/モラルのない競争
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.:厳しい世界だ。
We eat our own dog food.:自社サービス /製品を自社でも使っているときに言う
dogged determination:不屈の決意
Dec 23, 2007
My first attendance to English cochin
It is a English conversation club in Nagoya.
We discussed around one and a half hour in English
and it was great exercise for Speaking English.
I could say that it's more practical than English lessons which I take at the English school now.
After the discussion, we held year-end party at a bar(Izakaya)
and we spend happy time together.
(at that time, we spoke in Japanese.)
I appreciate the members who were kind to us.
Thank you very much.
Dec 15, 2007
Dec 8, 2007
A Christmas wreath
The shape is like a wreath for Christmas and it's really cute, isn't it?
My friend and I've gone to same cooking school for about two years but recently she graduated on ahead and it's last work she cooked at school.
Now I have no friend to go that school together, so
I feel little lonely,
but I like cooking and I continue to attend lessons.
Dec 6, 2007
Financial circles
Of course I don't have big money, you know, just I was interested in.
I'm so exhausted because I tried to understand everything a cl ark said
but more than half information was new for me.
That's why no sooner had I gotten home than I fell asleep.
Anyway, it was good lesson for me to know about financial circles.
Dec 3, 2007
At the first floor of our building.
Nov 30, 2007
Gyoza, salad, soup and rice
Nov 27, 2007
Illumination for KIDS
Nov 25, 2007
Fir tree
Nov 24, 2007
・That's just wasted.(それは、もったいない) →That's a waste of money.
・It's a shame to ~ (~するのは、もったいない)→It's a shame to throw things away.
・Oh, I don't deserve all of that! (私にはもったいないことです)
Rum-soaked raisins and white peaches cake
Nov 23, 2007
Talk about Jogging
It's shameful to say that, but I could run only several hundred meters both times.
But at least, when I ran today, I could run in a better condition than last tme.
I want to continue to run.
Even if it's short distance and at times, it's much better than nothing.
Originally I'm not good at any sports, but I've been doing excersise a little by myself since I graduated from the University because It's not only good for my health but mentality.
Nov 22, 2007
Shoumikigen in English
Use by:品質保証期限や使用期限にあたる。消費期限に近い言葉。
Sell by / Display until: 売り手にとって、売り物として並べておいてもよい期限。
Ichiou in various cases
- to some extent→I can paint to some extent, but I'm certainly not as good as you.(なんとか(一応)
- tentative→We have reached a tentative agreement on this project.(仮の(一応の)
- for the time being/for now→He will handle the matter for the time being/for now.(さし当たって(一応)
- run through→I've run through the report.(ざっと(一応)
- just in case→Could you ask Bob, just in case?(念のため(一応)
- rough→I made a rough schedule for that project.(大体の(一応の)
TOEIC EXAM on Jan 13th,2008
I think TOEIC score doesn't show people's total ability of English properly,
but at least, it's true that higher score is better to do many things in this country.
For example, it makes easier to enter the class of higher revel at English school.
I hope I'll be able to get higher score than last time.
Nov 20, 2007
Good ex-colleague

Today I met an ex-coworker in the lunch break.
Both of us work at the same area, but the different buildings now.
So only the time we can afford to go out at the break time, we can meet.
We are usually busy for work, so we couldn't meet for a year.
These days, we realized again that old companies are my treasure
because I'm really encouraged and healed by them.
I've got the power by sharing time and space with them.
To be honest, I wanted to spend time alone for a while.
It was because I had been too busy to work and I had no time to be alone or even doing housework.
But after the busiest time passed,
I started eagering to spent on the weekends alone and to do so for about a month,
I got back my original nature and
Now, I really think I need to cherish my companies.
It might owe to my experience of too much overtime work.
although I never wanna experience again!!
After all, even if we experienced bad things,
we could learn something new as long as we endeavor to do so.
I'm not sure it's a hundred percent true,
but I should be optimistic about the past or negative things.
Nov 16, 2007
tomorrow, I'm going to attend an English speaking club for the first time.
Let me start.
My name is Azusa. My nick name is Okky, so you can call me either Okky or Azusa.
I'm working at the office in Japan.
I'm handling the exportation of car-parts to China and Portugal.
Sometimes I have to use English during the work hour,
but I don't need to use English everyday.
I'm interested in Languages. So wherever I travelled,
I was interested in these country's languages so far.
I attend the English conversation class once a week,
In addition, sometimes I join the drinking party where people speak English.
As for other hobbies, I like cooking.
I bake cakes at times. I'm happy if I can make people happy to give them these cakes.
----I'm closing self-introduction now,
Oct 31, 2007
Oct 28, 2007
Autumn for what ?
So I spent most of time in my house on this weekend.
Actually, this cold isn't so bad, just it's lasting for a long time.
So today I decided to study for the trading business exam
to take advantage of staying the house.
People say 'Autumn is suitable for eating many dalicious foods, exercising, reading, studying, love etc.
In my case of this autumn, it might be studying.
What do you do in this autumn?
Oct 27, 2007
I love heater.
The Labor union activity
Oct 17, 2007
How do we say when we exchange business cards?
例えば、 "My name is ~. Please to meet you."「~と申します。お会いできて光栄です。」
"Nice to make your acquaintance."「お知り合いになれて嬉しいです。」
"I would like to give you my business card."「私の名刺をお渡しさせて頂きます。」
Oct 13, 2007
Oct 8, 2007
German and Switzer land
Long time no see...
I wasn't in the mood of wrinting in English these days.
To be frank, I was lazy.
I have news about English.
First, I started to go to the English conversation school from this Sep.
Next, I bought a new electric dictionary.
So now I'm in better envirnment to study English than before.V(^^)V
Aug 22, 2007
日中の最高気温が25~29度真夏日(hot day) :
日中の最高気温が30~34度猛暑日(extremely hot day) :
日中の最高気温が35度~熱帯夜(sultry night / sweltering night):
自律神経:unconscious nervous system
自律神経失調症:autonomic ataxia / autonomic nerve imbalance
食欲がない:I've got no appetite
寝不足:lack of sleep
眠りが浅い:have a bad night
だるい:feel dull / feel weak / restless
冷房病:cooling disorder
Aug 21, 2007
Aug 18, 2007
Aug 17, 2007
Aug 13, 2007
i-pod nano
Jul 28, 2007
Jul 22, 2007


Jul 7, 2007
the Star festival
Jun 20, 2007
Jun 12, 2007

Jun 9, 2007
Aim at TOEIC exam in this month.
Nowadays I use a textbook of a sample exam to study.
Actually I don't spare long time to prepare,
but I'm trying to study everyday even on the short time and
at least, I want to finish reviewing all over the book.
Although this book is thin, it has the excellent explanations for each question.
So I should use it as effective as possible.
Jun 5, 2007

It's misty out.(もやがかかっている)
Jun 3, 2007
Sorry guys!!

May 20, 2007
Apr 24, 2007
顆粒:powdered medicine
液剤 :liquid medicine
目薬 :eye drops
風邪薬:cold medicine
胃腸薬:stomach medicine
頭痛薬:headache medicine
座薬 :suppository
包帯 :bandage
内服薬:medicine for internal use
外用薬:medicine for external use
漢方薬:Chinese medicine
副作用:side effect
Laughter is the best medicine.(笑いが最良の薬)
Time is the best medicine. (時は最良の薬(時が解決してくれる))
Apr 23, 2007
Tokyo banana series

Last weekend, my brother came back to our home from Tokyo and
gave this wet Baumkuhen to us as a souvenir.
It's a series of 'Tokyo banana'.
Tokyo banana is a really popular souvenir of Tokyo and
they've been producing new sweets of banana every year.
We can't take our eyes off them.
This Baumkuhen has three layers of colours, yellow, light brown and dark brown
and each of parts have different tastes.
Yellow is plane, light brown is banana,
and dark brown is chocolate!!
It was really tasty☆彡
Apr 17, 2007
mix and match(着回す)
Apr 15, 2007
To our surprise,
I met two ex-corworkers by totally accident!
I go to the school for more than a year but
it was a trial lessen for them.
Actually I met one of them in the underground shoppoing area in Nagoya station about a month ago also by chance,
but I met her and the other co-worker today.
It's a very surprising thing.
We worked at the same company before but none of us continue working there and
we didn't meet again after we quit that job.
Yesterday, we met again after 3 years.
We'll have the chances to meet at the same cooking school
if they decide to go there.
As for cooking, I baked cheese cake with orange flavor and
they baked some breads with salted cod roe spiced with red pepper.
Business trips to Tobisima village

Apr 7, 2007
Mar 28, 2007
Mar 21, 2007
Viewing cherry blossoms
花見シーズン:cherry blossom season
つぼみ :bud
3分(5分)咲き:one third(half) of the flowers on the tree are in bloom
満開 :full bloom しだれ桜:weeping cherry blossom tree
花見客 :cherry blossom viewing 花見酒 :drinking sake under the cherry blossoms
花見団子:eating sticky rice balls on a stick under the cherry blossoms
桜吹雪 :a storm of cherry blossom / a storm of flowers
夜桜 :night time cherry blossom viewing
場所取り:reserve a spot
花見の名所 :cherry blossom viewing spots
酔っぱらい :a drunk
go cherry blossom viewing with~(~と花見に行く)
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.(桜が満開だ)
Mar 18, 2007
It's me.
Mar 17, 2007
Museum Meiji-mura
Mar 12, 2007
Otitis media (=tympanitis)

Otitis media is the name of disease. I've got inflammation of the ears last month.
Originally I often see the otorhimology doctor because my ears and nose are sensitive and easily become inflamed.
This time, this disease was caused by high-speed elevators in our bilding.
We use them at least 4times per day and this actions are bad for ears.
And one more. this type of higl buildings tend to be dried the air for protecting computers and other mechineries.
To avoid disease, we shouldn't use elevators excessively and have to take water more than usual.
Working in new high-building makes our feeling good,
but at the same time, we have to be careful for our health.
I didn't notice it until I got 'Otitis media'.
Mar 10, 2007
Midland square

I visited Midland square, which is new building in Nagoya.
This picture isn't one but the other buildings in Nagoya.
I could see them closely from the highest floor of Midland square.
There is kind of a platform and we can view the scenery from three directions.
These days many high buildings have constructed and some are now under construction near Nagoya station.
When you travel in Nagoya, chek them out.
Mar 7, 2007
The season of hay fever>.<
teary eyes/watery eyes:涙目
itchy eyes/nose:かゆい目/鼻
runny nose:鼻水
stuffy nose:鼻づまり
mask/face mask:マスク
・I sneeze a lot.(よくくしゃみが出る)
・I can't stop sneezing.(くしゃみが止まらない)
・My eyes are so itchy.(目がかゆい)
・I have a runny nose.(鼻水が出る)
・I have a stuffy nose.(鼻づまりだ)
・When I go outside, I wear a mask.(外に出るときはマスクをしている)
・I take hay fever medicine.(花粉症の薬を飲んでいる)
・During hay fever season, it's better to hang the laundry inside.(花粉症の時期は、洗濯物は室内で干したほうがよい)
・I always brush off the pollen when I go in the house.(家に入る前に花粉を払い落とすようにしている)
I'm gonna・・・
We've already applied for a tour but it isn't hundread percent.
I'll write more detail when the day gets near. ^-^v
Feb 25, 2007

I don't know the reason but these days, my mother never runs out of sweets in our house.
So I can enjoy eating them and comparing which sweets are more delicious etc.
Chocolates in the shape of hearts and candies of milk taste are shown in this picture.
In the mean time, I must be still tired because I slept much more than 10 hours today.
I should sleep off my fatigue of one year.
I was keeping busy for a year and two months by juggling two jobs, which is a teacher and an office worker, you know.
I quited to be a teacher at the bigining of this month and now I have more time to relax than before.
But you know, when people are extremely busy, they never feel tired but
on the contrary, when they have time to take a rest, they feel fatigue.
Basically I might not so tough ??
I don't know, but anyway I need to relax to release the fatigue for more than a year.
I'm not sick, so don't worry about me so much.
Feb 20, 2007
For ENglish study (about your type)
I like the kind of guy who shares the same values. 私は価値観の合う人がいいな。
ちなみに、「理想の人」は英語で、dream man/woman、
「一生のパートナーにふさわしい人」はright man/womanと言います。
Ask people "who's your dream man/woman?"
What kind of person are you attracted to? どんな人に魅かれる?
Describe your dream man/woman
I like the kind of guy/girl who doesn't complain. 文句を言わない人がいいな。
■Body type
skinny :細身 medium :普通 chubby/stout :太め muscular/hunky :筋肉質 stocky :がっちり体型 glamorous :グラマー athletic :スポーツマンタイプ
■Personality type
kind/gentle/sweet :優しい decisive :決断力がある honest :素直な loyal :誠実な cheerful :明るい sociable/outgoing :社交的な open-minded :偏見のない empathetic :人の気持のわかる creative :創造力のある attentive :心遣いのできる