Mar 28, 2007

見学 :observation
資格 :qualification / certification / licence / title
入学金:admission fee
受講料:course/school fee, tuition
資料請求:request a brochure

Mar 21, 2007

Viewing cherry blossoms

桜前線 :the beginning of the wave of cherry blossoms
花見シーズン:cherry blossom season
つぼみ :bud
3分(5分)咲き:one third(half) of the flowers on the tree are in bloom
満開  :full bloom しだれ桜:weeping cherry blossom tree
花見客 :cherry blossom viewing 花見酒 :drinking sake under the cherry blossoms
花見団子:eating sticky rice balls on a stick under the cherry blossoms
桜吹雪 :a storm of cherry blossom / a storm of flowers
夜桜  :night time cherry blossom viewing
場所取り:reserve a spot
花見の名所  :cherry blossom viewing spots
酔っぱらい  :a drunk
go cherry blossom viewing with~(~と花見に行く)
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.(桜が満開だ)

Mar 18, 2007

It's me.

This picture was taken in the house which named 'the
country documents house'. And it's me!

If I extended only the length of the picture, I would be skinnier.

Actrually I did. ha ha ha^^*

When you sit on the wooden velandah and take a rest,
you can relax and foget all nasty things.
It's very comfortable place especially in the spring.^-^*

This picture is the exterior of their house.

Mar 17, 2007

Museum Meiji-mura

I visited the Museum, Meiji-mura with nickey and This room is used to be the study of Natsume soseki and Mori Ogai. They were great Japanes writers.

Mar 12, 2007

Otitis media (=tympanitis)

Otitis media is the name of disease. I've got inflammation of the ears last month.

Originally I often see the otorhimology doctor because my ears and nose are sensitive and easily become inflamed.

This time, this disease was caused by high-speed elevators in our bilding.
We use them at least 4times per day and this actions are bad for ears.
And one more. this type of higl buildings tend to be dried the air for protecting computers and other mechineries.

To avoid disease, we shouldn't use elevators excessively and have to take water more than usual.

Working in new high-building makes our feeling good,
but at the same time, we have to be careful for our health.
I didn't notice it until I got 'Otitis media'.

Mar 10, 2007

Midland square

I visited Midland square, which is new building in Nagoya.

This picture isn't one but the other buildings in Nagoya.

I could see them closely from the highest floor of Midland square.

There is kind of a platform and we can view the scenery from three directions.

These days many high buildings have constructed and some are now under construction near Nagoya station.

When you travel in Nagoya, chek them out.

Mar 7, 2007

The season of hay fever>.<

■Let me review...

teary eyes/watery eyes:涙目
itchy eyes/nose:かゆい目/鼻
runny nose:鼻水
stuffy nose:鼻づまり
mask/face mask:マスク

・I sneeze a lot.(よくくしゃみが出る)
・I can't stop sneezing.(くしゃみが止まらない)
・My eyes are so itchy.(目がかゆい)
・I have a runny nose.(鼻水が出る)
・I have a stuffy nose.(鼻づまりだ)
・When I go outside, I wear a mask.(外に出るときはマスクをしている)
・I take hay fever medicine.(花粉症の薬を飲んでいる)
・During hay fever season, it's better to hang the laundry inside.(花粉症の時期は、洗濯物は室内で干したほうがよい)
・I always brush off the pollen when I go in the house.(家に入る前に花粉を払い落とすようにしている)

I'm gonna・・・

I'm gonna go travelling in Paris via Shanghai in the comming July with a friend.
We've already applied for a tour but it isn't hundread percent.

I'll write more detail when the day gets near. ^-^v