Nov 30, 2007

Gyoza, salad, soup and rice

Today I cooked dumplings and so on at cooking school.

I've already cooked dumplings countless times with my mother , but
I wanted to know how to make them better in the professional way.

Nov 27, 2007

Illumination for KIDS

My home town turned to be a city a couple of years ago and
soon after the address changed from Cho to Shi(City),
many apartments and homes have been built.
The picture's house is one of those and
they decorates outside of the house with illumination.
They are excited about Christmas.^^

Nov 25, 2007

Fir tree

Today my ex-coworker brought me to a cafe by car and we had beautiful cups of cappuccino with cookies.

The fir tree on the surface of cappuccino is cute, isn't it?

Nov 24, 2007


・What a waste.
・That's just wasted.(それは、もったいない) →That's a waste of money.  
・It's a shame to ~ (~するのは、もったいない)→It's a shame to throw things away. 

・Oh, I don't deserve all of that! (私にはもったいないことです)

Rum-soaked raisins and white peaches cake

I baked this cake today for my ex-colleague's birthday present.
She used to be my senior at the office and she is still one of the best advises for me.
We have lunch once a couple of months on the weekend and we talk about job, love and anything.
She understands me very well and give me many words, so I always appreciate her.

Nov 23, 2007

Talk about Jogging

I jogged last weekend after 8 years blank and today, I jogged again.

It's shameful to say that, but I could run only several hundred meters both times.
But at least, when I ran today, I could run in a better condition than last tme.

I want to continue to run.
Even if it's short distance and at times, it's much better than nothing.

Originally I'm not good at any sports, but I've been doing excersise a little by myself since I graduated from the University because It's not only good for my health but mentality.

Nov 22, 2007

Shoumikigen in English

Best if used by / Best before: 味や質の面からみて、おいしく食べることのできる期限。賞味期限に近い言葉。
Use by:品質保証期限や使用期限にあたる。消費期限に近い言葉。
Sell by / Display until: 売り手にとって、売り物として並べておいてもよい期限。

Ichiou in various cases

  1. to some extent→I can paint to some extent, but I'm certainly not as good as you.(なんとか(一応)
  2. tentative→We have reached a tentative agreement on this project.(仮の(一応の)
  3. for the time being/for now→He will handle the matter for the time being/for now.(さし当たって(一応)
  4. run through→I've run through the report.(ざっと(一応)
  5. just in case→Could you ask Bob, just in case?(念のため(一応)
  6. rough→I made a rough schedule for that project.(大体の(一応の)

TOEIC EXAM on Jan 13th,2008

I applied for TOEIC Exam on Jan 13th, 2008 at English school today.

I think TOEIC score doesn't show people's total ability of English properly,
but at least, it's true that higher score is better to do many things in this country.
For example, it makes easier to enter the class of higher revel at English school.

I hope I'll be able to get higher score than last time.

Nov 20, 2007

Good ex-colleague

Hello guys, how have you been?

Today I met an ex-coworker in the lunch break.
Both of us work at the same area, but the different buildings now.

So only the time we can afford to go out at the break time, we can meet.
We are usually busy for work, so we couldn't meet for a year.

These days, we realized again that old companies are my treasure
because I'm really encouraged and healed by them.
I've got the power by sharing time and space with them.

To be honest, I wanted to spend time alone for a while.
It was because I had been too busy to work and I had no time to be alone or even doing housework.

But after the busiest time passed,
I started eagering to spent on the weekends alone and to do so for about a month,
I got back my original nature and
Now, I really think I need to cherish my companies.

It might owe to my experience of too much overtime work.
although I never wanna experience again!!

After all, even if we experienced bad things,
we could learn something new as long as we endeavor to do so.

I'm not sure it's a hundred percent true,
but I should be optimistic about the past or negative things.

Nov 16, 2007


I'm practicing to introduce myself because
tomorrow, I'm going to attend an English speaking club for the first time.

Let me start.

My name is Azusa. My nick name is Okky, so you can call me either Okky or Azusa.

I'm working at the office in Japan.
I'm handling the exportation of car-parts to China and Portugal.
Sometimes I have to use English during the work hour,
but I don't need to use English everyday.

I'm interested in Languages. So wherever I travelled,
I was interested in these country's languages so far.

I attend the English conversation class once a week,
In addition, sometimes I join the drinking party where people speak English.

As for other hobbies, I like cooking.
I bake cakes at times. I'm happy if I can make people happy to give them these cakes.

----I'm closing self-introduction now,
but I may tell other stories of myself someday.^-^---
Have a good night☆彡