Mar 21, 2007

Viewing cherry blossoms

桜前線 :the beginning of the wave of cherry blossoms
花見シーズン:cherry blossom season
つぼみ :bud
3分(5分)咲き:one third(half) of the flowers on the tree are in bloom
満開  :full bloom しだれ桜:weeping cherry blossom tree
花見客 :cherry blossom viewing 花見酒 :drinking sake under the cherry blossoms
花見団子:eating sticky rice balls on a stick under the cherry blossoms
桜吹雪 :a storm of cherry blossom / a storm of flowers
夜桜  :night time cherry blossom viewing
場所取り:reserve a spot
花見の名所  :cherry blossom viewing spots
酔っぱらい  :a drunk
go cherry blossom viewing with~(~と花見に行く)
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.(桜が満開だ)